Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Give Me Liberty! The Story of the Declaration of Independence by Russell Freedman

Freedman, R. (2000). Give me liberty! the story of the declaration of independence. New York, NY: Scholastic.

This book is told in a way that excites the reader and pulls them into the book. It is easy to understand and written so that the author’s excited voice shines through. The book describes events that led up to the writing of the Declaration of Independence, from the Boston Tea Party to the shot heard ‘round the world to the where the Declaration of Independence is currently displayed.

4th through 7th grade

Credibility of Author:
Russell Freedman researched many different sources, read many books on the subject, and had help from credible sources.

National Standards that this book relates to:
The social studies standards that are met are time, continuity, change, people, places, and environments, civic ideals and practices.

Access Features:
Table of contents, chronology of events, bibliography, illustration credits, and index

Description of the Illustrations:
The illustrations are photographs and drawings taken from other sources.


Related Texts:
The Signers: The 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence by Dennis Brindell Fradin
The Journey of the One and Only Declaration of Independence by Judith St. George

My response to the book:
It was very nice to have a refresher of history that seemed to flow. There are many things that I had forgotten and just did not know. The text was easy to read and was written in a way that the historical figures seem so real!

How I would use this book in my class:
I would not use the text in whole, but could definitely be read in small sections.

This book has 90 pages.

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